Kunstennetwerk Oudergem – Abc van kunstenaars en ambachtslieden - Jesús Azogue

Jesús Azogue


Voorstelling van de kunstenaar

Jesús Azogue (1975, Seville) is Creative and Transmedia Artist. In 2004 I came to Brussels to start my studies in pursuit of a Master’s Degree in Tansmedia (Art-Design-New Media). He was co-funder of the artistic group The Blind Man in the 90’s and part of the Transmedia program in the Hogeschool Sint Lukas Brussel. He has created and presented his work at numerous exhibitions and performances and has been published in several catalogues and reviews. Nowadays he works as Creative Director at the eMarketing agency ZN, at the same time he develops his artistic activity.


Meer over de kunstenaar

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